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Media Mentions

Your guide to starting a venture in the new normal

Your guide to starting a venture in the new normal

Amidst the pandemic, two Mumbai-based 19-year-olds recently quit a prestigious US college to launch an ambitious start-up.

Nov 8, 2021

Experts share tips for professionals pursuing new roles at work

Experts share tips for professionals pursuing new roles at work

As the recent Union cabinet overhaul has proved, it’s never too late to move into a role that is beyond your area of expertise. Experts share how to adapt.

July 12, 2021

Building smarter workplaces

Building smarter workplaces

Recently, business magnate Elon Musk’s mantras for better productivity made waves on social media. Experts weigh in on how these can be implemented in the Indian context.

May 11, 2021

Working too hard to unwind?

Working too hard to unwind?

With the home turning into the office, many people find they are continuously in work mode and have no downtime.

Sept 5, 2020

Review: Job Be Damned

Review: Job Be Damned

It’s enormously hard for any author to write a humourous book in the Business & Management genre. The cardinal rule is what’s humourous ought to be funny too. It often isn’t. Writing funny prose is deadly serious work!

Mar 1, 2019

Book Review: Job Be Damned

Book Review: Job Be Damned

Job – everyone needs one but no one knows how to handle it. An employee, whether a junior or a senior, in a company – any company – finds himself/herself in the middle of nowhere more often than not with deadlines, workload and nagging superiors who are apparently deadlier than the King Cobra…

Sep 11, 2018

How to retire at 40

How to retire at 40

Up until recently, early retirement in India was synonymous with voluntary retirement schemes and/or gleeful half-truths explaining your decision to move out of your employer’s corporate playground to, presumably, build your own.

Sep 3, 2018

How to disagree with your boss

How to disagree with your boss

It’s only normal to shy away from disagreeing with someone in a position of authority. But in a competitive, globalized economy, most companies look for individuals who can battle their tendency to be subservient and speak up…

Jul 23, 2018

10 jargon phrases that makes you sound intelligent at work

10 jargon phrases that makes you sound intelligent at work

Are you an average employee, who wants to excel at at work? Read on…

Jul 17, 2018

Eyeing the boss's job? 4 tips that will get you to the corner office

Eyeing the boss's job? 4 tips that will get you to the corner office

In a workplace where the ladder to success keeps getting narrower, the image that you project is extremely important. You have to ensure that others appreciate your ability and potential…

Jul 14, 2018

Career Guide For Average Employees

Career Guide For Average Employees

A new book authored by Rishi Piparaiya, who has spent over 15 years as a manager and senior executive in multinational corporations, attempts to chronicle some crucial mantras for average employees struggling to find their feet…

Jul 6, 2018

Career guide for 'average' employees

Career guide for 'average' employees

A new book authored by Rishi Piparaiya, who has spent over 15 years as a manager and senior executive in multinational corporations, attempts to chronicle some crucial mantras for average employees struggling to find their feet…

Jul 6, 2018

Afraid you'll get fired? Here's what you should do

Afraid you'll get fired? Here's what you should do

More often than not employees, especially Job Be Damned readers, will find themselves in times where the organisation has had it with their shenanigans…

Jul 3, 2018

A mile-high threesome.

A mile-high threesome.

I made my way to my usual aisle seat. The plane was packed, and the cabin was peopled primarily by corporate executives and a surprisingly large number of tattooed backpackers.

Aug 16, 2014

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